What does office reinstatement mean? | ORC 2023 Hong Kong
What does office reinstatement mean?
Office Reinstatement basically means to return it to the way if was when you first moved into the premises.
Office reinstatement is initiated by a lease expiring or when moving to a new space. Different to renting a residential property, renting office spaces and commercial space requires the tenant to reinstate the property, as per the reinstatement clause stated in the tenancy agreement.
Why do you need to reinstate your office? | ORC 2023 Hong Kong
The reinstatement clause states that’s tenant needs to reinstate the office to its initial condition at end of lease term. Therefore when moving to a new office or a lease is coming to an end, the tenant is liable to reinstate the space to its original condition or risk breaching the contract.
A office reinstatement process can be quite complicated so it’s important to find experienced office reinstatement contractors. Its the tenant’s responsibility to remove all temporary fixtures as well as fit out work that was completed in the space during occupancy. If you don’t meet the reinstatement requirements that are set out by the landlord and building management the tenant can risk losing the deposit or worse be subject to penalties and fines.
Office Reinstatement In Hong Kong | ORC 2023
Unlike a office renovation project, office reinstatement usually needs to be completed within a short period of time. Office reinstatement work includes demolishing walls and concrete features, relocating and reinstalling doors, power points and original lighting. Terminating and removing wiring, electrical cables, trunking, data points and replacing and reinstating damaged ceiling boards, removing floor finishes like tiles, vinyl, carpet and removing temporary false ceilings as well as drywall partitions.
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Once the office reinstatement is complete building management and the landlord need approve the reinstated condition. Once the reinstated office is approved by the landlord the tenants deposit should be returned and reputation as a responsible tenant will be in tack.
Check out our Office Reinstatement Gallery here
Choose ORC for your next office reinstatement
Find the right office reinstatement contractor at ORC. We are experienced and skilled contractors that have reinstated many offices in Hong Kong. We work with building management and landlords to understand reinstatement requirements and reinstate the office to their requirements. Reach out to us today for more information. cs@officerenovationcontractor.com.hk